This ONE Word Changed My Life (I hope it does the same for you...)

presence understanding

I visited Dubai in May of 2023...

There I attended a gathering with some brothers, one of whom graciously gifted me a small book titled, The Short Words, authored by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.

(The link to the full book is at the bottom of this post.)

The first chapter changed my life...

It's on the phrase Bismillah.

That's exactly where we are in our step-by-step journey through the prayer...

After taking refuge in God from the devil (saying A’udhu billahi minash-Shaytanir-rajim), we say:

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


In the name of God, the Lord of mercy, the Giver of mercy

The author talks about the phrase Bismillah in a unique and powerful way, through the use of a story...

I've never seen it presented in this way:

Bismillah, “In the Name of God,” is the start of all things good. We too shall start with it.

If you want to know what an inexhaustible strength, what an unending source of bounty is Bismillah, listen to the following story, which is in the form of a comparison:

Someone who makes a journey through the deserts of Arabia has to travel in the name of a tribal chief and enter under his protection, for in this way he may be saved from the assaults of bandits and secure his needs.

On his own, he will perish in the face of innumerable enemies and needs.

And so, two men went on such a journey and entered the desert. One of them was modest and humble, the other proud and conceited.

The humble man assumed the name of a tribal chief, while the proud man did not...

The first travelled safely wherever he went. If he encountered bandits, he said: “I am travelling in the name of such-and-such tribal leader, and they did not assault him.

If he came to some tents, he was treated respectfully due to the name.

But the proud man suffered indescribable calamities throughout his journey...

He trembled before everything and begged from everything. He was abased and became an object of scorn.

My proud soul! You are the traveller, and this world is a desert.

Your weakness and poverty have no limit, and your enemies and needs are endless.

Therefore, take the name of the Pre-Eternal Ruler and Post-Eternal Lord of the desert, so you can be saved from begging before the whole universe and trembling before every event.

The person who acts saying, “In the Name of God,” resembles someone who enrolls in the army...

He acts in the name of the government; he has fear of no one [else].

He speaks, performs every matter, and withstands everything in the name of the law and the name of the leader.

So give in God’s name. Take in God’s name. Begin in God’s name. And act in God’s name.

I call this prayer tip: The First Word.

How can you apply it practically?

Before you do anything...

Say Bismillah

That's it. Begin every action with God's name.

Whether you're about to go somewhere in your car or the train, before you start your work, before you sleep, before you start your day, before you eat, before you start a meeting, before you spend time with your family, and of course... the start of your prayer, as you begin Surah al-Fatihah.

How will this change your life (as it has mine)?

1. It's a means to check, or remind yourself of, your intention... which should be for God's sake.

Actions are by their intentions. Even mundane actions which you're going to do anyway can become ibadah (servitude) to your Lord, simply by making the right intention.

One example: We (should) sleep for 6-8 hours a night. Let's take 6 hours as the average...

That means you'll spend one-fourth, or 25%, of your entire life sleeping!

Now imagine if every night before you slept, you said: Bismillah...

Or even better, the words taught to us by the Prophet, may God grant him blessings and peace:

بِاسْمِكَ اللَّهُمَّ أَمُوتُ وَأَحْيَا

Bismika Allahumma amutu wa ahya

In Your name, O God, I live and die

Then every second you're sleeping (while you're unconscious!), you're in a state of servitude to Allah.

2. It reminds you of the One whose name you are taking.

I've found saying Bismillah before doing anything to be one of the best, most practical ways to develop my God-consciousness (taqwa).

Try it for yourself! I hope it helps you transform your taqwa 🙂

3. It's a means of abundant blessings (barakah), strength, security, confidence and courage... we learned from the story / comparison above.

So from now on, before you do anything (including towards the beginning of the prayer), say...

Bismillah, or "I begin with God's name"

...and reap the benefits, God willing.

At your service,

Farzan Parupia
Founder & CEO

P.S. Here's the link to the full book, The Short Words.

P.P.S. In my next post, we look at the second part of the statement:

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim